Thursday, April 23, 2015

YES Before the Rest

No, that's too hard.
No, that will take too much of my already non-existant time to myself.
No, we don't have the money to give.
No, someone else will do it.
No, I don't have the energy. Can you see all these children you gave me? I can barely get through the day!

Does that sound familiar? I don't know about you, but that is an internal dialog I hear pretty often. That is a pattern of behavior, thoughts and actions that the Lord has convicted me of. Why do I say no? All the reasons above? No. I say no because I'm a sinful, selfish, prideful human being that needs the redemptive and changing grace of Jesus. Our family has experienced a lot of difficulties in the short time we have been a family, and I don't see that changing, ever. There will always be difficulties, hard things the Lord walks us through. There are a lot of excuses we could use to keep out people and opportunities to be used by the Lord to glorify Him. I thought I had some pretty good ones.

Where is Jesus in that?

Jesus is in the hard
Jesus is in every sacrifice
Jesus is in every penny we trust Him with
Jesus is in the sleep deprived, barely hanging on, ugly moments of parenthood
Jesus is in the obedience we are learning
and there is REST for your weary soul in Jesus.

My theme for the past year has been first time obedience. Originally it started when my son was two and learning first time obedience. I had no idea it was really a lesson for me. A hard and ugly lesson in obedience that is immediate, instinctive and continual. It is rough, but it is so full of grace and beauty. I can never find rest in my sinful ways. I am learning so much about who God is and his heart for my family. I am learning to say yes, before the rest. It is HARD. It would be easier not to discipline/be disciplined with love, grace and consistency. Saying yes is more than a reply. It is a lifestyle change, a mind set change and a spiritual change. It is ACTIVE obedience.

I am so thankful for a God who loves us enough to discipline us and redeem us.

Learning to say yes before the rest,


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