Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Faithful in the Little Things

It's a lesson I learn over and over again. You'd think it would be reflex for me to respond with full trust in times of transition; but that is something I still aspire to. The little things, that seem to be very big things, until you remember who is in control. This month's example is our housing situation.

In November we realized we would not be staying in our current apartment. The housing search began, but as those of you who have rented before know, not much can be accomplished until you are within weeks of your move out date. I spent too much of November stressing over where we would live in the new year. The month of December was long and I was sick to my stomach at the thought of having no idea where we would live in just a few short weeks. Our Christmas vacation was coming up, we had no place secure and when we returned we would have three short weeks to find a place to live. (Insert sinful panic here). I managed to get through our vacation without much thought of this issue(much to my own surprise). Upon returning we went to look at a few places and didn't like any of them, until the last house. As soon as I walked in the door I loved it. I said a little prayer for the all tile, room for guests, house on a culdesac with a park at the end of the street. That was on Friday and by Monday we were getting the paperwork in order. We will have the keys two weeks before we have to be out of this apartment, saving us from a stressful move.

Everything seemed to go too peacefully-and that is the problem-my problem. I assumed it would be hard, stressful, and God would swoop in at the last minute with a less than ideal option. Why? That's not how he has ever done anything in regards to our family. His faithfulness has been in the big things and the little things(such as an all tile house). Tile is a want not a need. I wanted tile, and God graciously gave me a house with ALL tile. How dare I doubt his desire to give me the smallest desires of my heart?

This year I want my thoughts, reaction, expectations to reflect God's faithfulness in an instant; not as a last resort. I want to expect God to do wonderful things in and through our family. I want to be used to show others the faithfulness of God. I want our family to be faithful in the little things.

Anticipating a great year,


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