Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wife, Mother, Friend

My self evaluation and recent convictions have left me thinking about what it means to me be a wife, mother and friend. I know the basics, but I haven't been taking dramatic steps to be the wife, mother and friend I know I am capable of being. Realizing you don't just arrive at a point of deep relationship I have set out to be more intentional. I want to be more intentional in my words, actions, prayer life and attitude towards those three categories of relationships.

As a wife I want to:
Be more intentional in the little things-playing frisbee when I don't want to, going out when I'd rather stay in, be less critical, be more playful, trust more and analyze less, surprise him, listen more and talk less, pray with more conviction and passion and be more specific in my prayers.

As a mother I want to:
Pray God's will over J's life and not my desires, show him what it means to love God and others, teach him how to be a gentleman, memorize scriptures with him, be silly with him, enjoy every moment of snuggles, kiss him even if he doesn't want one, speak life to him, show him how I love and respect his father, show him grace and pray more earnestly for his future.

As a friend I want to:
Be there for my friends in any way possible. Being far away from my closest friends is difficult, but I am thankful for the effort they put into our friendships and I am determined to increase my effort. For the friends around me, I want to be more intentional about getting to know them better. I want to have them over to eat, to be involved in their lives, encourage them in practical ways and show them extravagant love.

I want to befriend people that need a friend.

Saying NO to apathy today and YES to hard work and love,


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