Monday, December 17, 2012

I Don't Want to Forget

I don't want to forget at 6-12 months: The way you wake up with a smile on your face every morning. The sloppy, wet kisses that you give with no restraint. Watching you read in the corner of your room for an hour at less than a year old. The way you watch your Daddy and mimic everything he does to me. Hearing you say MAMA and DADA as soon as you wake up. Watching you do everything yourself because you are a big boy. The way you booty dance like a sumo wrestler to foreign music. Hearing you breathe on my chest(and slobber) while you snuggle up for a nap. The way your hair curls after a bath. No matter how rough our day was there was never a night I didn't put you to bed without holding you close, kissing you and thanking God for giving you to us. Your happy heart, silly songs, dances, and compassion for others. Watching you comfort other children when they were upset. The kisses you gave me when I was sick and how you "helped me" by blowing my nose on your tissue. The millions of times we read the same books because you loved them so much. Watching you tackle Daddy in the living room and laugh as he throws you around. Seeing Daddy hold you on the couch as you watch sports together. You sit so still with him. Your love of animals and how you try to kiss them all on the mouth. You take it so personally when they don't kiss you back. The ridiculous noises we made to make you laugh. Your deep belly laugh and high pitched squeal. The way you dance and sing in worship at church. Seeing your diapered silhouette sitting in your window, watching the planes flying and making "airplane noises".

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