Monday, October 10, 2016

The Gospel of Politics

I'm not one to post a lot about politics, but I've been shocked and embarrassed by what I've seen this year. I will occasionally use humor to process the things I'm thinking about, so here goes my one political post this season.
I write this in a joking way, not because it's not serious, but because it's time to lighten up and think about where your hope really is; and where you want others to ultimately put theirs.

The Gospel of Politics
(as witnessed on my FB friend's pages)

Thou shalt not listen to hear the perspective or heart of someone voicing an opinion that differs from your own.
Thou shalt insult the integrity and intelligence of those whose opinion differs from your own.
Thou shalt call into question the salvation of others based upon their political convictions.
Thou shalt announce your hope and salvation in politics by publicly proclaiming your intent to shun those who have not chosen the same candidate/savior.
Thou shalt turn every conversation where someone is seeking to understand another’s views, into your own personal platform.
Thou shalt remove 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 from personal beliefs during election season.
Thou shalt use passive aggressive memes against candidates to say things you don’t have the courage to say yourself.
Thou shalt not extend the same Christian grace which has been extended to you, to those who differ in their political conviction.
Thou shalt not use the difficult conversations of important issues to be an example in grace, humility, integrity, passion, intelligence, understanding and respect.
Thou shalt make sure your faith, witness, friendships and influences are all negatively impacted forever by your words spoken without restraint or care for the soul of the person on the other side of the conversation.

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